'Quarto de despejo', Carolina's greatest hit.
Carolina's photo retouched for newspaper's printing purposes...
signing autographs in 1960.
Carolina having Canindé's favela (shanty town) in the background across polluted Rio Tietê.
Carolina, journalist Adaulio Dantas and actress Ruth de Souza at Canindé's slum.
Carolina with her Chilean husband and her kids.
Ruth de Souza as Carolina.
Carolina and her two sons and a chook.
EMEI Carolina Maria de Jesus in Jardim Adalgiza in Rio Pequeno, São Paulo.
Carolina with her Chilean husband and her kids.
'Quarto de despejo' as a play opened at Teatro Bela Vista on 27 April 1961, with Ruth de Souza playing the part of Carolina Maria de Jesus.
2nd August 1960 - Rio de Janeiro's 'Correio da Manhã' writes about Carolina de Jesus for the 1st time: female Knut Hamsum lives in a slum in São Paulo...
actress Ruth de Souza plays Carolina on stage in São Paulo.Ruth de Souza as Carolina.
Carolina and her two sons and a chook.
EMEI Carolina Maria de Jesus in Jardim Adalgiza in Rio Pequeno, São Paulo.