Sunday, September 6, 2015

1971 look at Sao Paulo - Lamarca's dead!

Sao Paulo in early February 1971... at Anhangabau Valley corner of Avenida Sao Joao...
a shootout erupts at the new mall on Rua Nova Barão... policeman shoots at alleged gangster (bandido) with everyone running for cover... that's on one of the finest places in town... 
'Apresentamos o novo prefeito' (We introduce to you São Paulo's new mayor)... that's the way the Dictatoship did its business... Military Dictator Garrastazu Medici appointed a new mayor for Sao Paulo... with a stroke of the pen... you either put up with it or shut up... for fear of your life. 
Sao Paulo downtown flooded once again... like every February... 26 February 1971. 
 a bomb explode at the Bolivian Consulate - 1st September 1971.
21st September 1971 - Lamarca's dead!

28 September 1971.

30 September 1971.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

1970 Armed struggle seen by conservative media

'Jornal da Tarde' was an evening paper launched by conservative 'O Estado de S.Paulo' that saw the light of day on 4 January 1966. Even though conservative politically 'Jornal da Tarde' had a modern look that Wikipedia says was the influence of the 'new journalism' started by Gay Talese and Truman Capote. 

After the Military Dictatorship showed signs of no compromise whatsoever and decreed its draconic Institutional Act #5 on 3rd December 1968 - there was a surge in the incipient armed struggle against the regime. Left-wing guerrillas would rob banks to finance their struggle. These acts were reported by Jornal da Tarde in a most biased way. The paper always took the side of the Dictatorship portraying the guerrillas as 'Terror' or 'Terrorists'.

When the Dictatorship's prisons were full of political prisoners guerrilla operatives devised a new strategy: to kidnapp foreign personnel working at embassies and consulates to exchange their freedom for the freedom of their mates being tortured and killed by the Dictatorship Establishment. 

Here are some instances I took randomly when I researched 'Jornal da Tarde' for the months of March and April 1970.   

3 March 1970.
12 March 1970.
13 March 1970.
14 March 1970 - among the 5 prisoners by the government and then exchanged for the Japanese consul was Madre Maurina Borges de Oliveira, a R.C. nun. that reactionary playwright Nelson Rodrigues (who actually wrote for the same newspaper) called disparagingly 'freira de passeata' (marching nun). She had been raped by her torturer in prison. 
14 March 1970.

16 March 1970 - the prisoners arrived in Mexico...