Monday, August 26, 2019

Eladir Pôrto as a meme

Could you possibly imagine that an unimportant singer from the 40s & 50s like Eladyr Pôrto could become a meme in 2020s? Well, think again... here's the proof...

Have you read the book? Have you seen the movie? Have you walked the walk? And talked the talk?
Eladyr preferred Promesa by Myrurgia.

Eladyr Pôrto as a PTB operative

Eladyr Pôrto who lived in Buenos Aires in the late 40s & early 50s, somehow got a taste of politics seeing what happened in Argentina with Perón and his 1st Lady... Evita Perón who was a figure endered by the masses. 

When Miss Pôrto came back to Brazil, she found her political niche at Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro (PTB) that was on the ascent and had former dictator Getulio Vargas as a candidate for the Presidential Election of 1950. 

Eladyr Pôrto worked as a volunteer for PTB as a common operative... she dedicated her whole self to fighting corruption in the counting of votes etc. Here are some instances of Eladyr's interference in the electoral process... daily 'Ultima Hora' showed it to the people... 

'Ultima Hora' tells it like it is... 8 January 1963.

Eladyr sign an autograph to a young fan on 3rd October 1951
Instances of Eladyr Porto at different electoral activities at different times... Eladyr lived part of the late 1940s & early 50s in Buenos Aires and took to politics maybe seeing what Evita Peron meant to the Argentine masses. Have a look at Eladyr's fur coat... maybe Evita's favourite piece of clothing...

Revista do Radio focuses on Eladyr Pôrto as a Getulio Vargas supporter in the Presidential Election in 1950. 

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Cassandra Rios & Adelaide Carraro


Cassandra Rios & Adelaide Carraro at 'Carta Capital'...
'Copacabana Posto 6', one of Cassandra's best selling books.
Cassandra Rios as seen by monthly magazine 'Realidade', March 1970
Odete Rios x Cassandra Rios...
'Realidade', March 1970. 

Realidade's approach to the differences between Odete & Cassandra it's a little far-fetched... 'Odete would never read a Cassandra book'... it's a good sub-title but far from the truth...