Thursday, April 18, 2013


Artistas do Radio visitam Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek no Palácio das Laranjeiras

Fileira da frente da esquerda p'ra direita: Violonista, Almira Castilho, Aglaê, Ademilde Fonseca, Agnaldo Rayol, Juscelino Kubitschek, Doris Monteiro, Mara Silva, mulher com estola. Na frente Alvarenga & Ranchinho; na 2a. fileira:  h. de terno preto, homen de oculos escuros, Aérton Perlingeiro, Jackson do Pandeiro (com violão), Orlando Silva, Gilberto Alves e Sidney Más (cantor e marido de Mara Silva).

Revista do Radio 22 October 1955.
These were the artists who voted for Juscelino Kubistchek: 

Oduvaldo Vianna
Nancy Wanderley 
Francisco Bittencourt 
Urbano Lóis 
Domício Costa 
Hamilton Ferreira
Dias Gomes 
Lidia Matos 
Carlos Frias 
Moises Weltmann
Alberto Peres
Aerton Perlingeiro 
Amelia Simone 
Cícero Acaiaba 
Ênio Santos
Norma Geraldy
Arnaldo Amaral
Helio Tys
Mauricio Sherman
Teixeira Filho
Orlando Correia
Edmundo Peruzzi
Alaide Costa
Aliomar de Matos
Nestor de Hollanda
Nadia Maria
Maria Muniz
Helio Chaves
Neide Rodrigues
Nelson Nobre
José Renato
Celso Garcia
Braga Filho
Jairo Argileu
Mario Brasini

This list is really mind-boggling. When one looks up 'who voted for whom' one wonders whatever happened to ideology allegiance.

According to common sense Juscelino Kubitschek was the candidate of the political Left; Adhemar de Barros, a populist politician from S.Paulo would be a 'centrist' even though he would swing to the right at the drop of a hat... and finally Juarez Tavora was unmistakably the Rightwing candidate.

Then how can you explain Paulo Roberto, Paulo Gracindo and Mario Lago's votes for Juarez when they all belonged to the proscribed Communist Party (PCB) who supported Juscelino?

Adhemar de Barros was the candidate who got most of the 'real stars' (meaning real popular acts) like singers Marlene, Emilinha Borba, Eladyr Porto, Nelson Gonçalves and song-writers like Herivelto Martins, Ataulpho Alves and Humberto Teixeira.

Presidential election of 3 October 1955 in which moderate-Left candidates Juscelino Kubitschek won the Presidency and João Goulat won the Vice-Presidency running on separate tickets.